Thomas Edison Park, NJ

Even in the track building industry, when owners can go a decade or more before requiring your services, the best endorsement of a company is when someone comes back.
That’s just what happened with the track at Thomas Edison Park in Edison, NJ, part of Middlesex County Parks and Recreation. ATT Sports first installed a sandwich system track on the site in 2012. Eight years later, ATT Sports resurfaced the track, adding a new 5mm wearing course. The track is now as good as new and ready to last into the 2030’s.
While no high schools call the track home, that doesn’t mean it’s without it users. The scenic park is a popular exercise spot for local residents, and on weekends, track and field organizations can – and do – rent it out for meets. The facility is popular due to its convenient location not far off the New Jersey Turnpike and the fact that it’s one of the few tracks outside of a college campus with a steeplechase water pit.
With eight lanes, plenty of great viewing areas and well maintained sand pits, the track is a hidden gem in Central Jersey, and ATT Sports couldn’t be happier to be called upon to install the surfacing not once, but twice.

The eight-land running track at Thomas Edison Park, part of the Middlesex County Parks system, is one of the best track facilities around.