South and North Garrett County high schools, MD

With the prevalence of sparkling turf fields wrapped with all-weather running tracks at high schools, it’s easy to forget that some districts still have their track and field teams running on cinder or asphalt tracks.
You can strike Southern Garrett High School and Northern Garrett High School off that list though, as ATT Sports was part of a massive facilities upgrade that saw both schools get brand stadiums, complete with tracks. Both schools’ new digs fit right in with the picturesque rolling hills in Western Maryland.
The Rams (Southern) and Huskies (Northern) are the proud new owners of 6-lane Rekortan BS mat and spray running tracks with paved and treated D zones. Both tracks represent a massive upgrade from the cinder tracks at the schools before, and student-athletes can expect their new tracks to last close to a decade before they can simply have the top coat resprayed.
ATT Sports is looking forward to all the fast times and impressive performances that are sure to come from both schools.