Northern Lebanon High School, PA

A common theme for those who frequent the Past Projects section of the ATT Sports website is that we often say the best partners make for the best projects.
Let’s add Northern Lebanon High School in Central Pennsylvania to that list.
ATT Sports contracted with the school in the summer of 2020, partnering with Schlouch, Inc. for the site work with the project designed and overseen by Turf, Track and Court Athletic Facility Consultants. The project called for removal of the old track, milling and repaving the asphalt and the installation of a new Spurtan BV “sandwich system” running track.
It’s not secret 2020 was a challenging year on many fronts. We were presented with obstacles that required constant communication, and those means of communication were different. From virtual meetings to limited site visits, this was a project where trust was paramount. Having partnered with both TT&C and Schlouch on many projects over the years created a knowledge and understanding of the work that needed to be done, how it was to be done safely, correctly and on time, and how to maintain communication throughout the process.
However, all that behind the scenes stuff matters very little to the end user. All that matters to the school district is getting the athletic facility they need, deserve and paid for. The district put their trust in ATT Sports, and we delivered, with the help of great partners, a fantastic new track and field facility that will serve the student-athletes at Northern Lebanon for the next decade and beyond.

The summer of 2020 saw Northern Lebanon High School get a brand new "sandwich system" running track.