Montville High School, NJ

An aging, and fading, green running track outlined the turf field at Montville High School when the pandemic hit and shift the school district’s focus toward health and safety protocols. But the school knew a facilities upgrade was needed.
As things returned to normal at schools, so did the plans for the Mustangs’ home. And in the summer of 2022, Montville saw its stadium revamped with a new two-tone “sandwich system” running track and a new turf field. Under the supervision of Parette Somjen Architects and partnering with Applied Landscape Technologies and Shaw Sports Surfacing and Halecon, ATT Sports was part of a team tasked with delivering a major upgrade in a tight schedule.
Due to the schedule demands and the reputation of the involved companies, the districts opted to take advantage of cooperative purchasing to procure the work.
The result is built to last, delivered on time and on budget, and represents a big step forward in terms of performance both on the track itself and the field. But the site is also a sight to be hold; a stunning facility right at home adjacent to a beautiful park owned by Montville Township.
It’s an honor to be part of a project that represented such a step forward in quality and aesthetics, and ATT Sports looks forward to following the Mustangs as they use their new track and elevate their program to new heights.