Chatham High School, NJ

The running track at Chatham High School’s Cougar Field complex had reached the point where it condition was quickly deteriorating in recent years, and the school district moved to address that in the summer of 2022.

ATT Sports, along with partner Halecon and with design and oversight by Parette Somjen Architects, replaced the aged “mat and spray” with a new “sandwich system” Rekotan M track that not only represents a fresh surface, but also a nice step up for the student athletes. The new track will not just be better for those using it for training and competition, but will also last much longer than the previous surface.

Because of the age and condition of the existing surfacing and asphalt base below the track, the district elected for a full replacement, which included milling and repaving the asphalt. The result is a brand new running track that will require little to no maintenance for the next decade or more.